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Feminist Spelling for Third Graders

The team behind the Scripps National Spelling Bee whacked a hornet’s nest when it identified specific words for potential competitors to ponder.

Its list of “50 challenging third grade words” includes giraffe, groceries, and jigsaw. So far, so good. But beneath the “preferred spelling” of women, a permitted option appears: “womyn.”

Naturally, this feminist twist on “women” avoids the reference to those pesky purveyors of patriarchy: men. And what better place than third grade to pound the feminist drums?

“All of the words used in the Scripps National Spelling Bee program are pulled from our official dictionary, Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary,” a spokesman spokesbee told Fox News Digital. “During competition, our policy is to accept any correct spelling listed in our official dictionary that isn’t marked archaic or obsolete. The alternate spelling ‘womyn’ is therefore included on our study list because it is listed as an alternate spelling for ‘women’ in Merriam-Webster.”

Those who made this decision might consider it a triumph for women’s rights, girl power, etc. But, at best, this low-grade woke symbolism signifies nothing.

Instead, these folks should take whatever energy they poured into this stunt and redirect it to finding and liberating some of the 323,000 unaccompanied minors whom Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have lost over these last four years.

Some of these children are little girls. Thousands or even tens of thousands of them are being held against their will and forced into prostitution at the hands of pedophiles who repeatedly rape them—day and night.

They are not paid for these atrocities, nor are they free to leave. Thus, ipso facto, they are slaves.

That’s right: We have sex slaves in America. This is one of the ugliest consequences of the Biden-Harris policy of border obliteration and rampant illegal immigration.

Girls and women—as well as some boys and perhaps some men—are being held as SLAVES in America in 2024.

They are compelled to perform sexual favors, which is its own type of torture. (Other slaves are trapped in lives of relentless, uncompensated, mandatory menial labor.)

“Traffickers prey on individuals and families that are traveling, hungry, homeless, and sick. They may offer a job only to get the migrant away from their area of safety and force them into labor,” explains DeliverFund, which stirs outrage about this unbridled evil. “A trafficker may spark up a phony relationship with a person to get them to cross the border in search of a better life, only to trap them in sexual exploitation.”

Last year’s gripping thriller “The Sound of Freedom” dramatized this horror. This motion picture from Angel Studios was a surprise hit. Its $250 million worldwide gross included $184 million in U.S. ticket sales.

Nonetheless, the fact that slavery is alive and well in the United States of America today somehow remains a boutique concern rather than a 12-alarm national emergency. January’s change of management in Washington, D.C., should give this carnage the urgent attention that it demands.

For now, the Scripps National Spelling Bee people and their ilk do little to battle this human rights catastrophe. Anything of substance—a searing documentary (documyntary?), an educational seminar, or a protest at Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ office—would help.

Instead, the Left signals its virtue by encouraging children to misspell a word that billions of women accept around the globe.

This could not be more vacuous, especially compared to the desperation that these brutalized females confront every morning.

Meanwhile, if the “men” in “women” make these feminists so nervous, why not change these words, too?

—Mention to myntion.

—Menial to mynial.

—Mennonites to Mynnonites.

—Mentor to myntor.

—Menthol to mynthol.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee itself suggests that third graders contemplate the word “mansion.” How sexist! Effective immediately, a mynsion is where a wealthy household lives.

Remember that 1980s boy band, Menudo? Its members were young, male Puerto Ricans—not least Marc Anthony and Ricky Martin, who achieved even greater glory as solo artists.

Radical feminists surely would not want to make Menudo’s female fans uncomfortable. So, don’t be surprised if they insist on calling the band Mynudo.

All of this should be diagnosed as myntal illness.

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