
The Feds Lied About the National Guard on January 6 – PJ Media

PJ Media readers won’t be surprised to learn that the feds manipulated yet another aspect of the January 6 information operation, according to more findings in a definitive Congressional Oversight Subcommittee Report. In addition to finding that former Congressman Liz Cheney should be referred for charges for manipulating a witness to frame President Trump, as I link nearby, the report finds that the military completely blew off Trump’s call for prepositioning the National Guard to “keep things safe” on J6. Worse, the Department of Defense Inspector General committed lies of omission by leaving out and mischaracterizing the timeline, instructions, and orders that day to keep the heat off the Pentagon for ignoring and then lying about Trump’s orders three days before the riot. 

Indeed, the Acting Sec Def and the Army Secretary both cared more about pleasing the likes of Liz Cheney and her co-signers of a letter that called for no National Guard presence at the Capitol that day than they did about doing their damned job: keeping order. 

The report tells in granular detail the tale of that entire day in 2021, when feds were manipulating, framing, and conducting what was an information and propaganda operation against the people who attended Donald Trump’s speech, and then went on to gaslight the American public.

Related: The FBI Was EVERYWHERE on Capitol Hill on January 6

The president held a meeting with military leaders Mark Milley, the general in charge of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller three days before the mayhem. “Chairman Milley revealed to the DoD IG that in the January 3, 2021, meeting, President Trump gave the order ‘to make sure it’s a safe event’ when referring to the planned demonstrations,” according to the report. The report said Milley told the DoD IG, “‘The President just says, ‘Hey look at this. It’s going to be a large amount of protestors coming here on the 6th, and make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.'” Milley said Miller assured the president, “Hey, we’ve got a plan, and we’ve got it covered.” Later, Miller would claim that Trump said this in passing as if it were no big deal. But if he did really think that, we wonder why he would assure the president he was making sure things were going to be peaceful that day. 

Here’s what else the president said on Jan. 3, according to the report:

Acting Secretary Miller replied to President Trump’s concerns with “we’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered.” Chairman Milley provided further details to the DoD IG, stating, again, that President Trump ordered his top military officials to use any and all military assets to guarantee safety through out the planned events of January 6, 2021, during the same meeting on January 3, 2021: The President said, “I want 10,000 troops.” And that led to this whole kind of controversy about Insurrection Act and so on, which ultimately leads to Secretary Esper being fired. In the meeting on the 3rd of January there was no discussion to my recollection, and I’m sitting there and I’m paying close attention to all of this stuff. There was no discussion of 10,000 troops. It was just what I just described which was, “Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active-dutySoldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe.”

As you read above, the narrative about an “insurrection” was already planted into the news stream by fired Sec Def Esper, Liz Cheney’s letter, and the Rules of Engagement, which were really the rules of non-engagement by the Pentagon. 

Related: The FBI Paid People to Go to the J6 Riot

Later, on Jan. 6, after the breach of the perimeter around the Capitol Complex where Ray Epps stationed himself, the congressional reps were hurriedly ushered into rooms with security personnel. Multiple videos were presented by the committee that HAVE BEEN DESTROYED BY CHENEY AND HER J6 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BENNIE THOMPSON. 

The House subcommittee retrieved these videos from HBO, where Pelosi’s daughter produced a documentary about her mother from that day. Interesting choice of days, no? 

That’s speculation for another day, but look at this video of Nancy Pelosi, Senator Chuck Schumer, and Leader Steny Hoyer calling the Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy, to beg for as many National Guardsmen as possible. The House subcommittee reported McCarthy lied to the House and Senate leaders when he said they were being deployed. He didn’t have the go-ahead to do that because the Sec Def and others in the chain of command did not want them deployed. Pelosi asks him if he will “stop blocking” the Guard. 

In another video, Pelosi says “I can’t believe the stupidity [for not having the National Guard on site].” “I take complete responsibility,” she tells her daughter. Pelosi, Schumer, and the House sergeant at arms were in the command structure for keeping the Capitol safe. 

The guys who would send them were at the Pentagon but refused to send them as the breach continued. Indeed, the Secretary of the Army refused to even put a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) on standby. 

You may already know some of this, but the decision-making structure, the dissembling after January 6, and the IG’s report intentionally muddied the story. 

In the lead-up to January 6, Acting Sec Def Chris Miller came up with Rules of Engagement for a possible National Guard deployment. 

The report says that the “explicit control measures on the National Guard stem from both ill-advised, poor judgment by the Acting Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, and DoD leadership’s intent to prevent or limit the National Guard’s ability to act on January 6.”

Acting Secretary Miller said later he was afraid that “his decision-making rationale for deploying the DCNG was influenced by media stories suggesting that he was a ‘Trump crony.'” He was also concerned that he might look bad sending in the Guard because it would look like a “Trump crony that was going to use the United States Military to conduct a military coup to overthrow the Government.”

It looks like there was a serious epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome going on at the Pentagon. 

The only guy trying to do his job on January 6 appears to have been former Chief of Capitol Police, Steven Sund, who kept calling and begging for the National Guard from a reluctant Pentagon. 

Instead, in the words of the subcommittee chair, Barry Loudermilk, “the DCNG, also known as the ‘Capital Guardians,’ were not immediately authorized to respond. Although ready to go, the DCNG sat on buses only 1.8 miles from the U.S. Capitol as they waited for the Pentagon to communicate the necessary deployment order. Sadly, Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy would not approve the DCNG’s movement to the Capitol until after 5:00 PM on January 6, 2021. Two hours and forty-two minutes after USCP’s initial request on the 2:30 PM call.”

Loudermilk said, “the failures, coverups and false accusations in the aftermath of January 6 have only increased the people’s distrust of Washington D.C.”

I’ll have more on the report’s findings later. Loudermilk also promises to release a subcommittee report on the pipe bombs found on January 6.

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