
Police Arrest Homeowner for Evicting Squatter – PJ Media

One of the main rights for which the Founding Fathers fought the Revolution was the right to private property. But in woke jurisdictions, homeowners can find themselves treated as criminals for trying to kick invading squatters out of their homes.

If someone invades another person‘s home without permission and is told to leave but refuses to do so, that individual is breaking the law and violating a sacred American right. There should be no argument whatsoever about this. But a Georgia woman insanely was arrested and charged with multiple crimes after she tried to evict an aggressive squatter who locked her out of her own home. The police sided with the victimizer instead of the victim.

“I spent the night on a mat on a concrete floor in deplorable conditions. While this woman, this squatter slept in my home,” Loletha Hale explained in frustration to Channel 2 Atlanta. A deputy condescendingly lectured Hale, “Just think of it from this perspective, though. Everybody isn’t as fortunate as you to have a bed. All the little things, a bed in their house, food in the kitchen.” 

The Georgia Squatter Reform Act has apparently not been enforced in Hale’s case, as she has been in a legal battle since August, when the squatter first showed up in her home. Clayton County Magistrate Court Judge Latrevia Lates-Johnson, per Channel 2, issued the insane ruling that “Sakemeyia Johnson is not a squatter” because she is — wait for it — a relative of the partner of a previously evicted tenant. If someone wrote a fiction story this wild, he would be laughed at.

So on December 9, Johnson brazenly told officers that she was not a squatter because a judge had ruled in her favor. Hale challenged, “How can she not be squatting when I’ve never had any type of contract relationship with this person?” How indeed?

[There’s been] a multi-month court battle with multiple filings, hearings and appeals. Johnson even filed for bankruptcy, listing Hale as her only creditor.

But on Nov. 18, a magistrate judge issued a final judgment in Hale’s favor.

Hale said she thought Johnson had moved out of the home and came over the weekend to start cleaning up the home.

Hale explained, “I returned on Monday to start painting and she had broken the locks at my property.” Johnson had the chutzpah to lock Hale out and act as if her rights and safety were being violated because Hale broke into … her own home. “She just caught up out of nowhere. She had this guy with [her], and I locked the door. I locked the screen door, and he forced himself in telling us to get out,” Johnson whined to the police.

The police incident report made the outrageous assertion that Hale “executed an illegal eviction and forcibly removed Ms. Johnson’s belongings.” Hale grew so desperate in dealing with Johnson that she threatened to get her gun, which unfortunately has been used against her by the thoroughly despicable police.

Officers on the scene confirmed with court staff that Hale has not obtained a signed writ of possession in order to legally evict a tenant. [Remember Hale said Johnson never had a contract with her.]

Hale admits that, saying she has been waiting for weeks for the document to be signed by a magistrate judge… Hale has been charged with criminal trespassing and a misdemeanor count of terroristic threats.

In case you were wondering, Johnson hasn’t been charged with any crimes. It is so sickening that this could happen in America. As Hale so truly said, “To see that woman walk into my mom’s house while I was in the police car, something is wrong with this picture. Something is inherently wrong with this picture.”

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