
Demons Walk Among Us – HotAir

“The devil doesn’t come to you with his red face and horns; he comes to you disguised as everything you ever wanted.”

And what people want is freedom from the consequences of our actions. Only about 1% of abortions take place due to medical complications; the vast majority occur because somebody doesn’t want to have the baby. The debate about abortion as healthcare is a distraction; almost nobody wants to deny women healthcare, rather they want to eliminate killing a healthy baby as a method of birth control. 

In this context, I am appalled that “religious leaders” are blessing abortion clinics, which perform almost no “medically necessary” pregnancy terminations at all. After all, “medically necessary” abortions would be performed in medical settings, not abortion mills. Blessing murder factories is demonic

A Baptist minister, a Presbyterian pastor and a Jewish cantor held burning incense as they walked quietly through the empty, white-walled clinic. They blessed the exam tables and their stirrups, the boxes of disposable gowns and the cushioned chairs in the recovery room, where women are moved after their abortions.  

The lede opens the same way that a religious joke would: “a minister, a pastor, and a cantor walk into a bar,” but what would be funny in a different context is horrifying. 

“You all are blessings to those who come to you for care during some of their most vulnerable and sometimes painful moments,” the Rev. Katey Zeh, an ordained Baptist minister, said to the staff members gathered in the clinic’s colorful waiting room.  

The modern sanctification of murder is based on an elevation of individual desires over not just the teachings of God but on something that truly is demonic: the elevation of the self over all things. “Live your best life” sounds life-affirming, but it is the opposite. Our desires are unlimited, and immersing ourselves in the seeking of pleasure ultimately leads to a purposeless life. 

I do not believe that all women who get abortions are evil; in fact, many are good people who have been deceived in some way or another. They have been taught an ideology of self-realization, that fetuses are somehow inhuman, and that having a child at the “wrong” time will destroy their lives. 

Spiritual leaders like these people are the ones leading them astray. As with many children who are taught by gender ideology that happiness is to be found in “being your authentic self,” whatever that appears to be at any one moment in time, many women who choose abortion are victims of deceit. 

And, like the people who seduce others into alphabet ideology, these “spiritual leaders” pushing abortion are demonic. 

Ten years ago, I would never have used this kind of language, but having watched lives being ruined by spiritual sickness, it’s hard to see what other language fits. 

Meaning is found in becoming part of something greater than ourselves. We are born, we live for a tiny slice of time, and we pass a legacy on to the next generation. Killing that next generation for a transitory benefit only to ourselves cheats both us and the world. 

I find it easy to empathize with a young woman who believes that a pregnancy will forever ruin her life and who has been convinced that abortion is just another form of healthcare; what I can’t imagine doing is forgiving a “spiritual leader” who encourages her to believe this. 

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