
Can a Leopard Change Its Spots?

Via InstaPundit, Politico reports on a conclave of Democrats in Virginia, “a retreat where they plotted their party’s comeback”:

A few observations:

* “Embrace patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery.” This is going to be hard, because Democrats–especially the committed Democrats who run and support the party–are not patriotic. They hate America; indeed, this is their principal reason for being Democrats. If they were going to be patriotic, they might as well be Republicans.

* “Move away from the dominance of small-dollar donors.” Really? To my knowledge, the Democrats rely overwhelmingly on the far-left rich. Here in Minnesota, in 2024 my organization raised 63 times as much in small-dollar (less than $200) donations as the Democratic Party did. The Democrats’ problem is that those far-left megadonors, many of them widows and ex-wives, have little interest in supporting a moderate Democratic Party.

* This one is a real howler: “Get out of elite circles and into real communities (e.g., tailgates, gun shows, local churches).” I almost wonder whether someone inserted that advice a a joke. Democrats wouldn’t be seen dead in most “real communities,” certainly including gun shows and tailgates–which I guess refers to attending college or professional football games. Do they tailgate at soccer games, which some liberals can bring themselves to watch? I don’t think so. And churches? If Democrats start going to church, how can they continue to inveigh against “Christian nationalists”?

* “Own the failures of Democratic governance in large cities and commit to improving local government.” How? Lower taxes? More support for law enforcement? Prohibit homeless encampments? Manifest a pro-business attitude with as light a regulatory burden as possible? Once again: they might as well be Republicans. Owning the failures of Democratic governance in large cities means acknowledging that liberalism doesn’t work. They can’t very well do that.

If this is the best that “moderate Democrats” can come up with, we Republicans have nothing to fear. The advice may be good, but the Democratic Party can’t possibly take it.

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