Covid TyrannyDonald Trump foreign policyFeaturedLiberal leadership racePolitics - CanadaPrime Minister Justin TrudeauTrudeau Resignation

Teary Justin Trudeau is a broken man and his legacy is indeed cause for mourning 

(LifeSiteNews) — Many Americans have been asking, “I thought Trudeau resigned; why is he still prime minister?”  

Our system in Canada is not presidential, so after he announced his resignation, Trudeau was required to wait for a leadership successor to be elected to fill his role. Well, that is just around the corner, so Trudeau is appearing in his last few press conferences as prime minister. We are not supposed to pray Alleluia during Lent, but if we could, I would be doing so. 

In any event, the last feeble weeks and months of his leadership of Canada have been marred with the tit-for-tat back and forth with his gargantuan American counterpart — President Trump — regarding the issue of tariffs.  

The tariffs have come and gone, come again and sort of gone again — who knows what the ultimate goal is and what the future holds. Trump initially said he wanted Canada to boost security at the border and sort out immigration issues — fair enough — and the narrative quickly descended into threats of annexing the country. 

During a press conference on Thursday while discussing health care, Trudeau seemed to have gone off script — never good for him — and became teary and emotional. 

He said: “On a personal level, I made sure that every single day in this office, I put Canadians first, and I have peoples’ backs, and that’s why I’m here to tell you all that we got you. Even in the last days of this government, we will not let Canadians down today and well into the future.” 

As his tenure comes to an end, I personally find it hard to chide him anymore or speak ill of him. I do believe he has been arguably the worst prime minister in Canadian history, but at this point, I deeply pity the man.  

RELATED: Trudeau says he will resign next week despite Trump’s claim he will stay in office

He is so incapable of the virtue of integrity that his ability to tell the country he “put Canadians first” every day while on the job is astonishing. By what metric could this be true? There are a million and one ways that he did not, in fact, put Canadians first. Whether by allowing hoards of dubiously vetted migrants into the country, or his inflationary practices, or his segregation of the nation into clean and unclean during the so-called pandemic, this man has been the most anti-Canadian leader imaginable. This is to say nothing of his photo-ops beside phantom graves where no children, Native or European, were buried. 

RELATED: Trudeau gov’t to halt funds for ‘unmarked graves’ search after millions spent, no bodies found

Yet he gets teary over Canada and seems to believe that he truly has acted as a savior of this nation when all of reality screams in opposition to his untruth. 

He is a broken man, and his legacy, as infuriating as it is, should really be a cause for mourning that our political class has fallen so far that men incapable of conforming to reality and self-awareness are allowed to lead for a decade. 

The Trudeau era has been a trainwreck, and I can’t help but see it as fitting that his end has come while his better in America is mocking him mercilessly while he crashes and burns. Trudeau has no allies left in parliament, as evidenced by the numerous turncoats who have come out against him, and his closest national ally is fiddling while Trudeau faces his political apocalypse. 

Trudeau’s fall from grace should serve as the fulfillment to so many prophecies that have been told to us in so much of the great literature of our civilization; namely, that frauds who lie and deceive and who obtain power with immoral means will eventually be hanged by their subjects, whether metaphorically or literally. 

Trudeau has lied, cheated, and stolen a decade of prosperity from the great nation of Canada and has lost virtually every ally — even his wife — and now, all he can do is cry like a child who is being spanked in public.  

May God have mercy on him. 

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