(LifeSiteNews) — “If we had faith the size of a mustard seed…” (Matthew 17:20).
As we face this time of great crisis in the Church, the mystical Body of Christ, let us believe in the tremendous power of prayer, which can literally move mountains. The coming conclave to elect a new occupant of the Chair of St. Peter brings to the forefront the dire situation in which we find ourselves. Our beloved Church brims over with corruption, intrigue, and machinations unworthy of Apostles of Jesus Christ.
Let us pray fervently for the cardinals who will gather. Let us pray that they possess even a mustard seed of faith and that their choice is guided by deep devotion to Jesus Christ, Who is Truth Incarnate. May their resolve be cast as fire-tried gold and may the Holy Ghost strengthen them with a steely will to choose only the man who is the holiest and most deeply devoted to Our Lord Jesus Christ. And may the one they select uphold and faithfully defend the Deposit of Faith that is His Bride’s great treasure.
Let us pray that the awesome responsibility they bear may gouge their shoulders deeply in imitation of the wood of Our Lord’s cross, so as to open their hearts to the Precious Blood of Christ that flows from His Sacred Heart.
May they have before their eyes only God’s Divine Will with the goal of purifying and renewing Christ’s Church. May they turn to the Memorare of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, imploring the Queen of Saints to enlist the entire Communion of Saints in pleading that God’s Will be done and that the corruptions of the kingdom of man be cast aside.
Bishop Joseph Strickland,
Bishop Emeritus