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List of signatories to letter about clergy pensions

Full list of signatories to the letter about clergy pensions, supplied the Area Dean of Tooting and Vicar of the Ascension, Balham Hill, the Revd Marcus Gibbs:

The Revd Marcus Gibbs, The Revd Kath Abbott, The Revd Mark Abrey, The Revd Andy Ackroyd, The Revd Dawn Airey, The Revd Gary Alderson, The Revd Hannah Alderson, Prebendary John Allan, The Revd Kirsty Allan, The Revd Maureen Allchin, The Revd Pat Allerton, The Revd Anna Alls, The Revd Hana Amner, The Revd Beth Anderson, The Revd Canon Richard Andrews, The Revd Natalie Andrews, The Revd Sherine Angus, The Revd Aneal Appadoo, The Revd Ian Arch, Simon Archer, The Revd Canon Johannes Arens, Nigel Atkinson, The Revd Dallas Ayling, Fr David Babbington, The Revd Bob Bailey, Phyllis Bainbridge, The Revd Phyllis Bainbridge, The Revd David Baker, The Revd Iain Baker, The Revd Rob Baker, The Revd Julia Baldwin, The Revd Martin Ball, The Revd Fiona Barber, The Revd Neil Barber, The Revd John Barker, Paul Barker, The Revd Canon Lisa Barnett, The Revd Dr Mary Barr, Ruth Barr, Lucy Barr-Hamilton, Doris Barrera-Torrico, The Revd Andy Batchelor, The Revd Canon John Bavington, The Revd Dr Andy Bawtree, The Revd Clive Beazley-Long, The Revd Sally-Anne Beecham, The Revd Matt Beer, The Revd Dan Beesley, The Revd Duncan Beet, The Revd Jess Bellshaw, The Revd Canon Barney de Berry, The Revd David Biggs, The Revd Gary Birchall, The Revd Dave Bishop, The Revd Imogen Black, The Revd Graeme Blackwell, The Revd Canon James Blandford-Baker, The Revd Canon J T Boardman, Tudor Boddam-Whetham, The Revd Chris Boland, The Revd Geoffrey Boland, Andy Bond, The Revd Mark Borley, The Revd Steve Boswell, The Revd David Bouskill, The Revd Nicola Bown, Bee Boyde, Fr Dexter Bracey, Matthew Bradbury, The Revd Karen Bradley, The Revd Ian Brady, The Revd Lynda Brady, The Revd Ben Brady, The Revd Susannah Brasier, The Revd Zoë Braven-Giles, The Revd James Bremner, The Revd Jonathan Brennan, The Revd Kalantha Brewis, The Revd Ali Bridewell, The Revd Frances Bridgewater, The Revd Margaret Brighton, The Revd Elaine Brightwell, The Revd Roger Bristow, The Revd Philip Bromiley, The Revd Tom Brown, The Revd Jonathan Brown, The Revd Prebendary Marjorie Brown, The Revd Andrew Brown, The Revd Kevin Browning, The Revd Dr Sarah Brush, The Revd Tim Buckley, L J Buckley, The Revd Canon Victor Bullock, The Revd Claire Burnett, Julie Burrows, The Revd Graham Burrows, The Revd Philip Butcher, The Revd Yvonne Callaghan, The Revd Chris Campbell, Martin Cannam, The Revd James Cannan, The Revd Canon Mark Carey, The Revd Wendy Carr, The Revd The Revd Paul Carr, The Revd Andy Carter, The Revd Stephen Carter, The Revd Canon Paul Cartwright, The Revd Nigel Di Castiglione, The Revd Paula Challen, Fr Ian Chandler, The Revd Tristan Chapman, The Revd Jim Charles, The Revd David Chillman, The Revd Dan Christian, Andrew Cinnamond, The Revd Simon Clark, The Revd Canon Roger Clarke, The Revd Catherine Cleghorn, The Revd Lee Cleminson, The Revd Canon Sharron Coburn, The Revd Philip Cochrane, The Revd Philip Coekin, The Revd Vanessa Cole, The Revd Neil Coleman, The Revd Capt Dave Collier, The Revd Sarah Colver, Matt Cook, The Revd Daniel Cooke, The Revd Susan Cooke, Sue Cooke, The Revd Emma Cooksey, The Revd Millie Cork, The Revd Stephanie Couvela, The Revd Prebendary Linda Cox, The Revd Deborah Coyne, The Revd Stuart William Cradduck, The Revd Gary Cregeen, The Revd Gary Crellin, The Revd Rich Cresswell, Linda Cronin, Mthr Anne Crosby, The Revd Paul Cubitt, The Revd Paul Cudby, The Revd Simon Cutmore, The Revd Elaine Dando, The Revd Ashish David, The Revd Philip S Davies, The Revd Pam Davies, The Revd Jo M Davies, The Revd Lee Davies, The Revd Lloyd Davies, The Revd Dr Matt Davis, The Revd Nicholas Davis, The Revd Emily Davis, The Revd Hazel Davis, The Revd Jenny Dawkins, 2 The Revd Stephen Day, The Revd Sarah De Bats, Lucas Dean, The Revd Peter J Deaves, The Revd Anthony Delaney, The Revd Michelle Delves, The Revd Canon Capt Clive Deverell, Lindsay Dew, The Revd Jane Dicker, The Revd Gareth Dickinson, The Revd Munawar Din, The Revd Rachael Dines, The Revd Sam Dinsmore, The Revd Steve Doel, The Revd Canon Paul Doick, Sandra Doore, The Revd Sonya Doragh, The Revd Simon Douglas, The Revd Simon Dowdy, The Revd Laura Wheatley Downs, Roger Driver, The Revd Helen Duckett, The Revd Dr Andrew Dunlop, The Revd Simon Dunn, The Revd Canon John Dunnett, The Revd Stephen Dunton, The Revd Canon Becky Dyball, The Revd Joanne Dyer, The Revd Steven Dyson, Paul Eddy, The Revd Jim Edie, The Revd Dr Stephen Edmonds, Fr Stephen Edmonds, The Revd Sarah Edmonds, Debbie Edwards, The Revd Timothy Edwards, Fr Peter Edwards, The Revd Dr Keith Elford, The Revd Rebecca Elliott, The Revd Keith Elliott, The Revd Simon Elliott, The Revd Canon Richard England, The Revd Sarah Errington, The Revd Richard Espin-Bradley, Katie Etherington, The Revd Ashley Evans, The Revd Kathryn Evans, Ben Evans, The Revd Huw Evans, The Revd Adrian Evans, The Revd Elaine Evans, The Revd Bonnie Evans-Hills, The Revd Berni Excell, Fr Ron Farrell, Fr Damian Feeney, The Revd Simon Fellows, Jennifer Fellows, The Revd Prebendary Joseph Fernandes, Amanda Ferris, The Revd Chris Ferris, The Revd Ilse Ferwerda, The Revd Tom Finnemore, The Revd Canon Kathryn Fleming, The Revd Sarah Fletcher, The Revd Ian Fletcher, Fr Nick Flint, The Revd David Ford, Tony Ford, Fr Samuel Frampton, Dan Francis, The Revd Maureen Francis, The Revd Coral Francis, The Revd Peter Francis, The Revd Ian Friars, Rebecca Frith, Paul Frost, The Revd Dianne Gamble, The Revd Kara Gander, The Revd Anika Gardiner, The Revd Helen Gardner, The Revd Philip Garrett, The Revd Capt Jerry Garton, The Revd Anne-Marie Garton, The Revd Siân Gasson, The Revd Canon Angela Gbebikan, The Revd Canon David Gerrard, The Revd Donna Gibbs, The Revd Cara Gibbs, The Revd Marcus Gibbs, Peter Tipz Gilroy, The Revd Dr Julie Gittoes, Jeff Golding, The Revd Charlotte Gompertz, The Revd Phil Goodacre, Sandra Goodey , The Revd Phil Goodey, The Revd Vickie Goodman, The Revd Peter Goodridge, The Revd Dot Gosling, The Revd Canon Kevin Goss, The Revd Matthew Gough, Fr Anthony Graham, David Grantham, The Revd Andrew Gray, The Revd Betsy Gray-Hammond, The Revd Richard Greatrex, The Revd Andrew Greaves-Brown, The Revd Fleur Green, Mth Delorine Green, The Revd Diana Greenfield, Andy Greenhough, The Revd Sharon Grenham-Thompson, The Revd Neil Griffiths, The Revd Stephen Griffiths, Phil Groom, The Revd David Guest, The Revd Jonny Guy, The Revd Joe Hadfield, The Revd Jon Haines, The Revd Olivia Haines, The Revd Andrew Hall, The Revd Dean Hallett, The Revd Clive Hamilton, The Revd Canon Nigel Hand, The Revd James Hanson, The Revd Canon Alison Hardy, The Revd Mark Harlow, The Revd Lisa Harper, The Revd Josh Harris, The Revd Oliver Harrison, The Revd The Revd Fiona Harrison-Smith, The Revd Cano Eileen Harrop, The Revd Emma Harte-Waters, The Revd Clare Harwood, The Revd Peter Harwood, Vivienne Hatton, Prebendary Pat Hawkins, Richard Hayes, The Revd Dr Peter Hayler, The Revd Julian Heaton, The Revd George Heighton, The Revd Canon Dr Malcolm Herbert, Sarah Jayne Hewitt, The Revd Laura Jane Hewitt, Fr Neil Hibbins, The Revd Cathie Higgins, The Revd Anne Hill, The Revd Jonathan Hill, The Revd Keith Hilton-Turvey, The Revd Garry Hinchcliffe, The Revd Rob Hinton, The Revd Paul Hinton, The Revd Martin Hislop, The Revd Sally Hitchiner, The Revd Keith Hitchman, Laura Hnatiuk, The Revd Prebendary Maureen Hobbs, The Revd Tanya Hockley-Still, The Revd Ed Hodges, The Revd Margot Hodson, The Revd James Holden, The Revd Gillaine Holland, The Revd Lisa Holland, The Revd Louise Holliday, The Revd Canon Chris Hollingshurst, Lucy Hollingsworth, The Revd James Hollingsworth, Yvonne Homden, The Revd Peter Homden, 3 The Revd Mark Hopkins, Matthew Hornby, The Revd Canon John Paul Hoskins, Wendy Hough, The Revd Joe Houghton, The Revd David Houlton, The Revd Emily Hudghton, The Revd Mark Hudghton, The Revd Rachel Hudson, The Revd Arthur Hughes, The Revd Andy Humm, Julie Humphries, The Revd Gale Hunt, The Revd Graham Hunter, Fr Justin Hutcherson, The Revd Beth Hutton, Malcolm Ingham, The Revd Mark Inglis, David Isherwood, The Revd Steve Jarvis, The Revd Eleanor Jeans, Rev Canon Jonathan Jee, Alan Jenkins, The Revd Ben Jennings, The Revd Alan Jewell, The Revd Angela Johnson, Phillip Johnson, The Revd Amanda Johnson, The Revd David Johnston, The Revd Becky Jones, The Revd Elaine Jones, The Revd David Jones, The Revd Mandy Jones, The Revd Sandra Jones, Peter Kay, Jacqui Kean, The Revd David Keen, Canon Neil Kelley, The Revd Canon Tom Kennar, The Revd James Kenny, Polly Kersys-Hull, Paul Kite, The Revd Lisa Knight, The Revd Fr Paul Knox, The Revd Emily Kolltveit, The Revd Diane Kutar, The Revd Timothy L’Estrange, Charles Lamont, The Revd Martin Lane, Fr Robert Lane, The Revd Harry Latham, The Revd Ellie Launders-Brown, Dave Leaf, The Revd John Xavier Leal, The Revd Katryn Leclezio, The Revd Steve Lees, The Revd Cath Leighton, The Revd Sue Lepp, The Revd Dr Hannah Lewis, The Revd Canon Peter Lillicrap, The Revd The Revd Luiz Lima, The Revd Danie Lindley, The Revd Karen Linington, Kajsa-Stina Longuere, The Revd Canon Tanya Lord, The Revd Debbie Loughran, The Revd Kate Lovesey, Jonathan Lowe, Mthr Kayleigh Lucas, The Revd Gordon MacBean, The Revd Harry MacInnes, The Revd John MacKenzie, The Revd Robert Mackley, The Revd Canon Clare MacLaren, The Revd Catherine Macpherson, The Revd Tony Macpherson, The Revd Mandy MacVean, The Revd Keith Magee, The Revd Marcus Mak, The Revd Cathy Malins, The Revd Amanda Mallen, The Revd Nikki Mann, The Revd Jon March, Rob Marsh, The Revd Karen Marshall, Mthr Samantha Martell, The Revd Stephen Martin, The Revd Laura Martin, The Revd Linda Maslen, The Revd Vivien Masters, The Revd Sandy Matheson, The Revd Rebecca Mathew, The Revd Marg Mattocks, The Revd Helen May, The Revd Crystal McAllister, The Revd Canon Claire McArthur, The Revd Stroma Mcdermott, The Revd James McGowan, Annie McTighe, The Revd Mark Meardon, The Revd Hannah Mears, The Revd Carl Melville, The Revd Tamsin Merchant, Serena Merritt, The Revd Cassa Messervy, The Revd Daniel Miles, The Revd Rob Miles, The Revd Canon Mark Miller, The Revd Lynn Money, The Revd Jeremy Moodey, The Revd Joe Moore, The Revd Darren Moore, Andy Morgan, Hannah Morris, The Revd Joanna Morris, The Revd Mike Morris, The Revd Jane Morris, The Revd Jane E Morris, The Revd Adrian Morton, The Revd Jude Morton, The Revd Richard Moy, The Revd Nicola Moy, The Revd Yvonne Mullins, John Musson, The Revd Debbie Nash, The Revd Dr Sally Nash, The Revd Anne-Marie Naylor, The Revd Grant Naylor, The Revd Canon Barry Naylor, The Revd Anne-Marie Naylor, Mike Neville, The Revd Rachel Newell, The Revd Jay Niblett, The Revd David Nicholson, Richard Norman, The Revd Wendy Norris, The Revd Sam Norton, The Revd Phil J Nott, Kevin Michael O’Brien, The Revd Dr Stephen James O’Connor, The Revd Janet O’Neill, James Oakley, The Revd The Revd Amanda Ogilvie, The Revd Eils Osgood, The Revd Peter Ould, The Revd James Packman, The Revd Joe Padfield, Tom Page, Maria Pallis, The Revd Joanne Parker, The Revd Canon Richard Parker, The Revd Justin Trevelyan Parker, The Revd Rob Parker-McGee, The Revd Suzanne Pattle, The Revd Ian Paul, The Revd Will Pearson-Gee, Canon Jeremy Pemberton, The Revd Rachel Pendleton, The Revd Michael Perkins, The Revd Michael JM Perry, The Revd Graham Perryman, The Revd Rebecca Peters, Jenny Petersen, The Revd Christopher Phillips, Catherine Picken, The Revd Kath Pickering, The Revd Alan Pinnegar, The Revd Darleen Plattin, The Revd Wayne Plimmer, Fr Damian Porter, The Revd Graham Potter, Jason Powell, The Revd Malcolm Pritchard, The Revd Jo Purle, The Revd Nicholas 4 Richard Pye, The Revd Sarah Quantrill, The Revd Mark Radcliffe, Canon Nick Ralph, Colin Randall, The Revd Adam Ransom, The Revd Angela Rayner, Andrew Raynes, The Revd Mike Reading, Mrs Vanessa Redhouse, The Revd John Rees, The Revd Natalie Rees, The Revd Richard Reeve, The Revd Canon Susan Renshaw, The Revd Mandy Rhodes, The Revd Canon Jane Richards, The Revd Andy Rider, The Revd Canon Phil Ritchie, The Revd Paul Roberts, The Revd Greg Roberts, The Revd Dr Paul Roberts, The Revd Rachel Robertson, Fr Paul Robinson, The Revd Claire Robson, The Revd Claire Robson, Keith Roddy, The Revd Gail Rogers, The Revd Kath Rogers, William Rogers, The Revd Clay Roundtree, Ian Rousell, The Revd Christopher Routledge, The Revd Dr Thomas Ruston, The Revd Pete Sainsbury, The Revd Mary Fane de Salis, The Revd Pip Salmon, The Revd Stuart Samuels, The Revd Watson Sarah, The Revd Kuhan Satkunanayagam, The Revd Dr Andrew Schuman, The Revd Canon Paul Scott, The Revd Benjamin Scott, The Revd Elaine Scrivens, The Revd Canon Felicity Scroggie, The Revd Aled Seago, The Revd Ben Sear, The Revd Patrick Senior, The Revd Paul Seymour, The Revd Sorrel Shamel-Wood, The Revd Lance Sharpe, The Revd Sr Elizabeth Shearcroft, The Revd Maria Shepherdson, The Revd Steve Short, The Revd Canon Fiona Shouler, The Revd Sue Shrine, Avril Simmons, The Revd Gary Simmons, The Revd Liz Simpson, The Revd Andy Simpson, The Revd Matt Simpson, The Revd Ali Simpson-Smith, The Revd David Sims, The Revd Robin SimsWilliams, Ven Alastair Singh-McCollum, The Revd Beresford Skelton, The Revd Charlie Skrine, Imogen Slater, The Revd Christopher Slater, The Revd Marcus Small, The Revd Heather Smith (Serjeant), The Revd Canon Mike Smith, The Revd Matthew Smith, The Revd Mike Smith, The Revd Joe Smith, The Revd Ian Smith, The Revd Debbie Smith-Wilds, The Revd Lisa Snior, Rachel Snow, The Revd Deborah Snowball, The Revd Tim Solosy, The Revd Dr Graham Southgate, The Revd Emma Speake, The Revd Jane Speck, Fr David Spokes, The Revd Coryn Stanforth, The Revd Gill Stanning, The Revd Andrew Steer, Fr David Stephenson, The Revd Canon Andrew Stevens, The Revd Pete Stevenson, Steve Stewart, The Revd Steve Stewart, The Revd Fiona Stewart-Darling, The Revd Tim Stilwell, Tom Stockwell, The Revd Matt Stone, The Revd Buff Forbes Stone, The Revd Canon David Stone, The Revd Tim Storey, The Revd Andrew Stott, The Revd Paulette Stubbings, The Revd Alex Summers, The Revd Jon Swales, Rod Symmons, The Revd Libby Talbot, The Revd Adam Tams, The Revd Dr K Augustine Tanner-Ihm, The Revd Sarah Tapp, The Revd Nigel Taylor, The Revd Michelle Taylor, The Revd Samantha Taylor, The Revd Canon Rachel Taylor, The Revd Bryony Taylor, The Revd Tammy Tearoe, The Revd John Telford, The Revd Lisa Temperley, The Revd Susie Templeton, The Revd Marc Terry, The Revd Katie Thomas, The Revd David Jonathan Thomas, The Revd A Thomas, Fr Glen Thomas, The Revd Graham Thornalley, The Revd Canon Stephen Thorp , Linnea Thorp, Ruth Thorp, The Revd Christine Threlfall, The Revd Caroline Throup, Fr Trevor Thurston-Smith, The Revd Carolyn Tibbott, The Revd Emily Tidball, Simon Tillotson, The Revd Canon Dave Tolhurst, The Revd Stan Tomalin, The Revd Canon Angela Townshend, The Revd Canon Chrys Tremththanmor, The Revd Jeremy Trew, The Revd Jo Trickey, The Revd Rebecca Tuck, The Revd Canon Nigel Tuffnell, The Revd Mike Tufnell, Rob Tugwell, Richard Turk, The Revd Susannah Underwood, The Revd Nicola Upson-Smith, The Revd Sue VallenteKerr, The Revd Tim Vasby-Burnie, The Revd Jackie Vasquez, The Revd Phil Vautier, The Revd Dr Simon Vibert, Fr James Vine, The Revd Wendy Wale, The Revd Jules Walker, The Revd Drew Walker, The Revd Dr Tim Wall, The Revd Matt Wallace, The Revd Dr Brenda Wallace, The Revd Tom Wallis , The Revd Canon Neil-Allan Walsh, Neil-Allan Walsh, The Revd Catherine Walton, The Revd Dr Jason Ward, The Revd William Warren, Janet Waterfield, The Revd Mark Waterstreet, The Revd Aidan Watson, The Revd Cathie Watson, 5 The Revd Bruce Watson, The Revd Mark Watson, The Revd Martin Watson, The Revd Tom Watts, Daniel Watts, The Revd Simon Wearn, Sophie Weller, The Revd Karen Wellman, Michael Wenham, Reverend Joanne Wetherall, The Revd Jon Whalley, The Revd Canon Simon White, The Revd Paul White, The Revd Andrew Whitehead, The Revd Ian Whitehead, The Revd David Whitehouse, The Revd Adam Whittle, The Revd John Wigmore, The Revd Nigel Williams, The Revd Sheena Williams, The Revd Amanda Williams, The Revd Ben Williams, The Revd Nick Williams, The Revd Matt Williams, Fr Mark J Williams, The Revd Ali Williams, Marion Williams, The Revd Dr Cate Williams, The Revd Andy Williams, The Revd Jane Willis, The Revd Christopher Wilson, The Revd Mark Wilson, Frances Wintle, The Revd Marc Wolverson, The Revd Dick Woodger, The Revd Mark Woodrow, Fr. Robert James Wright, The Revd Jennifer Wright, Teresa Wynne, The Revd Adrian Youings, Martin Young, Fr Doug Zimmerman

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