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Right Track Versus Wrong Track Number Hits 20-Year High – RedState

An NBC poll shows that more registered voters feel the country is headed in the right direction than at any time since January 2004. Forty-four percent of Americans feel the nation is on the right track, while 54 percent think it is headed in the wrong direction. Even though a majority are still uneasy about what lies ahead, this is 17 points higher than Biden’s last rating, eight points higher than any time under Joe Biden, and a smoking 28 points higher than Biden’s abysmal 16 percent rating in May 2021.

This general trend is echoed in some other polls. The RCP average shows a 51 negative to 42 positive split, the best since the country clawed its way out of the COVID catastrophe despite the best efforts of the Biden administration.

The right-direction-wrong-direction poll was only one part of it. Here are some other highlights.

Trump Approval

Trump remains a polarizing figure. His approve/disapprove rating is 47/51. We see little room for growth and some soft support inside that number. 

Total approve …………….. 47
Strongly approve ……….. 37
Somewhat approve …… 10
Total disapprove ……….. 51
Somewhat disapprove . 5
Strongly disapprove …… 46
Not sure ……….2

This is the highest his approval rating has been since October 2018 but only about three points higher than most of his first term.

His handling of border security is +12, which is much better than Trump 1.0. But his rating on foreign affairs is -12, and the economy is -10. The latter data point is a danger sign, as he had a much higher approval rating in that area through most of his first term. His handling of inflation and the Russo-Ukraine War has a 55 percent disapproval rating.

The Parties

The GOP has a 39-49 positive-negative rating. You have to go back to 2001 to find the GOP that popular. The Democrats have a 27-55 positive-negative rating, the lowest since NBC began operations.

Foreign Policy

Respondents approved of NATO by 46-21. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s rating was 46-32, making him nearly as popular and 19 points less unpopular than Trump, five points more popular than JD Vance, and far outpacing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s 3-84. Ukraine’s approval rating of 41-28 was much higher than Russia’s 6-68.

Control of Congress

The respondents favored a Democrat-controlled Congress by 48 to 47, but this number has been virtually stagnant since August 2021.

Role of Government

Fifty-six percent of people felt that the government “should do more to solve problems and help meet the needs of people,” while 42 percent felt that the government “is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals.” This response has been at equilibrium since April 2017.

The Economy

Eighty-two percent rate the economy as poor (43 percent) or “only fair” (39 percent). These numbers are on par with those during the end of the 2007-2014 economic crisis and recovery.

Bottom Line

Trump is off to a strong start, but he doesn’t have a lot of goodwill to work with. He gets good marks on the border but not so good ratings on everything else. Federal workers remain more popular than Trump, JD Vance, Elon Musk, or DOGE. In the immortal words of James Carville, “It’s the economy, stupid.” If Trump drives inflation and prices down and can show more job opportunities, most of the rest, in terms of right/wrong track and presidential approval, will take care of itself. If he doesn’t, then success on the border may not guarantee a GOP majority in the House in 2027.

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