Me at the VC, February 28: “The IHL [international humanitarian law] community, writ large, had been taken over by the far left, and for a variety of interrelated ideological reasons IHL activists are hostile to Israel’s very existence, and do not believe that Israel has any right to defend itself, including from Hamas terrorism. Therefore any civilian casualties caused by Israeli military action were unacceptable.”
UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese: “There is no war that Israel has ever waged against the Palestinians that can ever be deemed lawful. Israel has no right to wage a war to invoke self defense against the people it maintains under occupation.”
It’s been obvious to me for years that critics like Albanese, pundits at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, commentators like Glenn Greenwald, and various international law professors share the view that *any* military action by Israel is illegitimate, and simply dress up that prejudice in the language of international law, but I’ve never seen it acknowledged so explicitly.