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Check Out Latest News on Egg Prices – RedState

Democrats have been screaming about egg prices ever since President Donald Trump got into office. 

Now of course, Trump isn’t the reason egg prices went up. Indeed, they were already going up under Joe Biden, in part because of the chickens being killed under Biden in response to bird flu fears. Trump just was left with the mess Biden made. So it was truly hypocritical of the Democrats to attack Trump over it when Biden drove up prices for everything and they didn’t seem to care about it when he was occupying the office. It only became a “problem” for the Democrats after Trump came in.

But I noticed something anecdotally a couple of days ago in Texas, as did my brother in northern New Jersey. Suddenly, it looked like our egg prices were going down. 

Now Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins is confirming that officially, yes, the prices are dropping. You can see her explaining in the video here. (Unfortunately, X, formerly Twitter, is still experiencing issues Tuesday, so we are unable to preview the video on this page.)

“Good piece of news we just got is average cost of dozen eggs has now gone down $1.85,” Rollins said. That was since they introduced their plan to reduce the price of eggs about a week and a half ago on February 26. She said it was possible it might inch back up since we are going into the Easter season when it is generally high, but this was good news, and it looks like it might be on trend in the right direction — down — now. 

READ MORE: New Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins Offers a Five-Pronged Strategy to Lower the Cost of Eggs

Looks like the market is already having a positive reaction to Rollins’ plans to help lower the prices. 

It’s now dropped more than 11 percent, as you can see at this link on Trading Economics, from its high. The average is now lower than it was when Trump came into office. It’s now at 6.0831 per dozen. It was 6.80 when Trump came in. 

So will the Democrats now give Trump credit for lowering the price since it’s going down under him? I guess we all know the answer to that one. Not anytime soon. 

Dems are going to be sad about this because this is going to kill their narrative to attack Trump — they don’t care that this is good news for everyone. That was their main shtick, indeed, pretty much all that House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) had to say, other than lying about how the Republicans were going to cut Social Security and Medicaid. Now they’re going to have to find something else to cry about because they really will have nothing left, if this trend continues. 

This just shows again that Democrats will scream and yell, but they took no action under Biden. All they do is attack Trump, offering nothing constructive. 

Biden left everything a mess, now action is coming under Trump. It’s brought good news with things like the border where he’s basically shut down the problem. 

READ MORE: Trump Admin Revamps Biden-Era CBP One App, Will Help Illegals ‘Leave Now and Self-Deport’

We Didn’t Need a Border Bill—We Needed a Competent President

I’m seeing other price drops in my area including more drops in gas, so we may have more news coming in terms of that as the things that Trump is doing start to kick in more.

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