FeaturedJoe Biden

GOP Rep Humiliates CNN Host With Evidence of Biden Corruption – PJ Media

Can you believe there are still voices in the liberal media clinging to the claim that Joe Biden never financially benefited from his family’s corrupt business schemes? This despite the fact that Biden issued his son Hunter a blanket pardon covering 11 years of potential crimes—the period where he was making his shady business deals with foreign business partners.

House Republicans have been digging up evidence of how shady the Biden Crime Family has been for years now. They’ve got sworn testimonies, bank records, emails, phone calls, videos, photos, text messages, and even White House visitor logs proving Biden’s corruption. Not only is that true, but the evidence continues to pile up.

Adding fuel to the fire, photos surfaced earlier this week, showing Joe Biden introducing Hunter to Xi Jinping back in 2013—right in the midst of Hunter’s shady business dealings with his Chinese partners.

Yet even with the latest evidence, CNN’s Abby Phillip claims she is “still waiting to see the proof” that Joe Biden enriched himself, while vaguely conceding his son’s and his brother’s involvement. 

PJ Media has been reporting on this evidence for a long time, and Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) brutally called her out for her ignorance, explaining how the Biden family funneled money through shell companies, ensuring that Joe Biden got his cut. 

Phillip initially dismissed claims of Biden family corruption as “very speculative,” asserting that after years of investigations, no conclusive evidence has materialized to show Joe Biden personally enriched himself. She said, “I’m still waiting to see the proof of Joe Biden enriching himself.”

Related: Is Joe Biden Saving His Worst Decisions for His Last Day In Office?

Lawler quickly countered with a detailed explanation of the financial trail uncovered in House Oversight Committee investigations, saying, “A Chinese company transferred money to a shell company owned by Hunter and Jim Biden that then transferred money directly to Jim and Sara Biden’s shell company that then transferred the money to Jim and Sara’s personal account who then immediately wrote a check for $40,000 to Joe Biden.” 

PJ Media reported on this last year. Jim and Sara Biden also wrote Joe Biden a check in 2018 for $200,000, which was described in the memo as a loan repayment. There’s no excuse for CNN to pretend that this evidence doesn’t exist.

“To say that there was no evidence is not true,” Lawler concluded. “It’s not true.”

Faced with the evidence, Phillip tried to pivot, suggesting that the lack of charges undermines the allegations, saying, “If there is something illegal happening here, there should be charges on the basis of what you’re saying, and there have not been.” Lawler pointed out: “Well, [Biden] just pardoned Hunter for an 11-year time period. He just wiped the slate.”

This goes beyond partisan disagreement—it’s a blatant display of the media’s refusal or inability to investigate the Biden family’s dealings, all while conflating its ignorance of the facts with the absence of evidence. Time and again, the liberal media has rushed to proclaim Biden’s innocence, only to have the truth come to light and expose its false narratives.

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