
Government Funding Bill Includes Cash For a DOZEN Biolabs to ‘Research’/Engineer New Viruses – PJ Media

“Biomedical research” is the government’s euphemism for gain-of-function research, in which scientists intentionally soup up naturally occurring viruses to make them more infectious and deadlier for humans for the alleged purpose of pre-emptively developing therapeutics to counteract them should they magically undergo the exact same mutations in the wild (a ludicrous premise).

This is the kind of research that we now know almost without a shadow of a doubt, as confirmed most recently by the findings of  Congressional inquiry, birthed the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a dingy CCP lab funded by Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, funneled through his close personal friend Peter Daszak’s “nonprofit” EcoHealth Alliance and will almost certainly be the providence of the next much-promised pandemic, a gift to the incoming Trump administration.

Related: Bird Flu Engineered to Infect Humans Could Be Lab-Produced ‘in Months,’ Former CDC Director Says

From the text of the bill (emphasis added):

The Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the “Secretary”) shall make awards to establish or maintain, as applicable, not fewer than 12 regional biocontainment lab-oratories, for purposes of—

(1) conducting biomedical research to support public health and medical preparedness for, and rapid response to, biological agents, including emerging infectious diseases;

As PJ Media’s Sarah Anderson reported, the bill containing the above text was rejected yesterday by insurgent House members, nudged by Trump and other influential figures like Elon Musk. It’s unclear whether the final bill will include the same provisions.

In my view, the government has proven it cannot be trusted to conduct this research without releasing powerful bioweapons that it will later use as a pretext to roll out experimental pharmaceutical products for windfall profits and to enact unprecedented social control measures in the form of lockdowns, mandates, etc.

Related: Study: COVID-Vaxxed Kids SIX TIMES Likelier to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers

The “debunking” and “fact checks” have already come hot and heavy.

Via Politico (emphasis added):

No “bioweapon labs” here: Musk reposted a screenshot from a conservative account Libs of Tiktok claiming that the legislation would fund “bioweapon labs.” That is false: The provision in question would establish regional biocontainment laboratories* as part of a larger pandemic preparedness plan. Their stated purpose is “conducting biomedical research to support public health and medical preparedness,” not creating bioweapons. The provision is part of a long-sought reauthorization of the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness and Response Act.

*Here the corporate state media executes its favorite ploy: semantical sophistry to confuse its readers into submission. Of course these people don’t call what they’re making “bioweapons”; they’re too sophisticated for that.

No matter how much lipstick they slap on that pig though, more and more of the population is hip to the game.

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