<![CDATA[Bernie Sanders]]><![CDATA[Democrat Party]]><![CDATA[Donald Trump]]><![CDATA[speech]]>Featured

Hysterical Sanders Embodies Everything Wrong With Democrats After Trump Speech – RedState

We saw the despicable behavior of the Democrats before, during and after President Trump’s epic speech Tuesday night. They booed, they created disturbances, they held silly signs, and grossest of all, they refused to stand or clap for heart-warming American stories like the 13-year-old cancer survivor who was named a Secret Service agent or the news that we’d captured one of the “top terrorists” behind the tragic 2021 Abbey Gate terror attack.

It was all performative theater, and polls showed clearly that Americans were, shall we say, less than impressed by their antics.

At the top of the list of histrionic, hysterical, wide-eyed actors is, of course, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), who walked out of the speech—saying he could do better—and then aired an unhinged response on social media.

Here is having a snit fit. Does this look like sober, thoughtful leadership to you?

He delivered his rebuttal speech—which was supposedly “going to be better”—later Tuesday, and it was as you would expect full of conspiracy theories, baseless accusations, and socialist pablum:

I’m not even sure what he’s trying to say here, but I’m checking to see if Amazon has any tinfoil hats I can send him:

Oh, Bernie: RFK Jr. Torches Bernie Sanders for Screaming ‘Health Care for All’ While Taking Big Pharma Cash

Sanders’ Unhinged ‘Onesies’ Moment During RFK Jr. Hearing Had Kennedy, Megyn Kelly, Others Laughing

Sanders’ full speech is over 20 minutes, and I’ll have it for you at the end of this article if for some reason you are inclined to watch it. But here are some of the nonsensical claims that sound like they’re emanating from a Columbia University class on Why You Should Hate America:

“The Trump administration is not hiding it,” Sanders said in a streamed response to Trump’s address Tuesday. “The Trump administration is a government of the billionaire class by the billionaire class, and for the billionaire class. Notwithstanding some of their rhetoric, this is a government that could care less about ordinary Americans and the working families of our country. My friends, we are no longer moving toward oligarchy. We are living in an oligarchic society.”  

The Democrats’ performance last night at Trump’s speech was nothing short of disgusting. They don’t have to like or support him, but they should at least—as top American politicians—be able to show some basic human dignity.

If Sanders is still one of their top lieutenants after all these years, their prospects look really, really poor moving forward. And that is an unequivocally good thing.

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