
Insider Claims That the President Will ‘Burn the Whole Thing Down’ – PJ Media

Here’s a hypothetical: Let’s pretend you’ve been working somewhere for a very long time. Many, many decades. You believe you’re doing an excellent job. (Sure, your supervisor might think otherwise, but that guy’s a nitwit.) And then, after decades of loyal work, you’re suddenly fired.

How do you feel about your company?

Are you calm, reflective, and accepting? “Well, I had a pretty good run. Lots to be proud of. Hopefully, the new guy will be a big success. Thanks for the memories!”

Some people really are like that. They’re not guided by ego; they don’t have delusions of grandeur. Hey, you win some, you lose some. The world’s still spinning. Good luck, everyone!

That’s life.

Of course, those sorts of people don’t usually enter presidential politics. It takes a special brand of arrogance and ambition for you to decide that — out of the 300 million people in our country — YOU are the one dude who should be in charge. That’s arrogance writ large.

Egoless presidents don’t exist.

There aren’t too many egoless executives, either. In the above scenario, most people wouldn’t be content to shake their successor’s hand and ride off into the sunset. That’s just not consistent with human nature.

Instead, you’d be PISSED: Your supervisor doesn’t know his [EXPLETIVE] from his elbow! Your successor is screwing everything up! The company’s gone to Hell!

How DARE they fire you!

You might even harbor secret fantasies — like launching a rival company, stealing all their (good) employees, and driving ‘em into bankruptcy. Ha! It would serve ‘em right! 

That’s what they deserve for letting a gem like you go.

The Daily Mail released an exclusive story today: “How vengeful Jill Biden is urging ‘depressed’ Joe to ‘burn the whole thing down’ in their final days… with Obama, Kamala and Pelosi at the top of her ‘naughty list.’” From the article:

“Jill views Democrats on Capitol Hill, the [wider] party, the Obamas, staff inside and outside the White House, the media, and all of Washington DC with such misguided resentment that I can’t imagine she [isn’t] encouraging [Joe] to burn the whole thing down, despite his better judgment,” an insider said.

Palace intrigue is always a little hit and miss, but what the Daily Mail is describing is matching what we’re witnessing: Biden and Harris have gone AWOL

Call it quiet quitting. Call it bitterness. Call it whatever you want, but the Biden-Harris administration has so thoroughly abdicated its responsibilities that you have blue-state Democratic governors begging for clarity because citizens are panicking over drone sightings.

If Biden is busy with anything, it’s spending all the political capital he has left to enrich his family and protect his kid. (He was never gonna let Hunter go to jail, and the inevitable Biden Presidential Library — ugh! — will surely cost hundreds of millions. Lots of loot needs to be raised.)

But at this point, the thin veneer of statesmanship has been shredded. The pretense of nobility is gone.

Joe Biden is human. Like all of us, he gets old, sick, tired, sad, and angry. And ever since Donald Trump recaptured the White House, he’s washed his hands of the whole damn thing: We’re all on our own.

And that’s what we deserve for firing him.

In “The Dark Knight,” Bruce Wayne/Batman was warned that some men “just want to watch the world burn.”

Joe Biden will never forgive the Democratic Party for dumping him from the ticket, and he’ll never forgive the American people for handing the keys back to Donald Trump. As far as he’s concerned, we’re gonna get what we deserve — and maybe, after everything is a charred, broken-down mess and the world’s on fire, we’ll realize how wonderful we had it when good ol’ Joe was in charge.

In the process, Joe became the Joe-ker.

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