
Liberal Banshees, Distraught Over Election Results, Convene to Scream at Lake Michigan – PJ Media

In an event that would surely confuse any aliens who might have happened to pop in to check on humanity’s progress at this particular moment in time and place, several cat ladies gathered on the shores of Lake Michigan to voice their displeasure with the Bad Orange Man who’s going to take their drive-thru abortions away or whatever.

“I am woman, hear me roar!”

I have covered previously for PJ Media this peculiar and vexing genre of feminist empowerment ritual.

Related: ‘Shout Sisters’: Feminists Meet in Parks to Scream Together, Rage Against Patriarchy

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

Exhausted and overwhelmed, Gretchen Miller felt the frustration of the past three years rise up within her. On a whim the 54-year-old from Sydney posted a message to her local community Facebook group. ‘Does anyone else feel like screaming?’ she asked.

From that callout, the Shout Sisters group was formed. A month later they met for the first time at an inner city park to bellow their frustrations into the Australian night.

In recent months, women-only ‘scream groups’ like Miller’s have cropped up all over the world. Frustration, pandemic exhaustion and the pressures of life are common reasons women say they take part. Most are drawn to the idea of unleashing their anger without inhibition. It’s a freedom participants say is hard to find in a world that can be uncomfortable with women’s rage*.

*This is, of course, a complete inversion of the cultural reality in the West, which is that women are actively encourage by the media and all institutions of influence to be, at all times, enraged victims of the Patriarchy™ with a mandate to smash it. Indeed, the Pink Pussy Hat wine moms of the 2017 #Resistance era poured into the streets by the millions to do just that and were celebrated as heroes by all corners of liberal society.

Related: Corporate Media: ‘Trump Defies the #MeToo Movement With Cabinet Picks’ 

This whole astroturfed “not going back/but muh abortions” campaign in 2024 is a failing effort to recapture the Pink Pussy Hat magic of 2017.

Unfortunately for them, it doesn’t seem to be generating the critical mass necessary to really make it a true phenomenon. The best they’ve gotten is a dozen twits standing on the shores of Lake Michigan screaming themselves senseless to deafening silence and indifference.

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