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MSNBC Panel Weighs in on What Democrats Should Do Next – RedState

Sometimes you just have to shake your head.

The MSNBC “The Weekend,” on Saturday, and in their infinite wisdom (yes, I’m being facetious) decided to provide the Democratic Party with some valuable advice as to what they ought to do next, in order to start winning elections. While they did get one thing right, the balance of their advice was pretty ludicrous.

On Saturday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Weekend, the panel had few ideas on what theme Democrats should run on.

But there was consensus on one thing: “Fighting Oligarchy,” the name of the national tour by Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, ain’t it.

Co-host Michael Steele: “The ‘oligarchy tour,’ I think, kind of misses middle America. Folks sitting at the local pub aren’t using the term oligarchy.”

This brings a pithy observation to mind, one that begins with the word “No” and ends with the word, “Sherlock.” But here’s where things went off the rails.

But what should the message be? Daniels delivered the grim news:

“The problem now, though, is that Democrats don’t have an alternative. You have to be able to say, OK, this is what we can offer you that Republicans can’t. And that’s what they have yet to do.”

May we suggest: “A Chicken In Every Pot, And Free Beer Tomorrow!”

Some other suggestions come to mind, most of them involving having leftists engage in some new and possibly helpful tactics, called “shutting up” and “going away.” It doesn’t look like those are in the cards, though; despite their cratering approval ratings, the Democrats somehow seem to think they are a viable alternative to… well, anything.

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But here’s the really funny part:

Note: The show played a clip from the Denver stop on the tour in which Ocasio-Cortez spoke of “working Americans like us.

Yup: Alexandria’s just a working stiff, knocking down a mere $174K, with a staff of 15 to serve her and a host of generous fringe benefits. As for that other “working American” on the stage, Bernie owns three homes and at last report had an estimated net worth of $3 million.

You might say the duo ARE the oligarchy!

Yes, you read that right; Democrats are, against “The Weekend” panel’s advice, putting forth AOC and the daffy old Bolsheviks from Vermont as their standard-bearers. This no doubt prompted shouts of joy from Republicans that are audible from Ascension Island and probably made them dance a jig or two as well. As noted, AOC has a handsome salary in a job that involves perks like free Met Gala tickets, a $75,000 value. Yes, that’s the event to which AOC, with no comprehension of the meaning of “irony,” wore an expensive gown with the words “Tax the Rich” emblazoned over her fourth point of contact.

And Bernie – the aforementioned daffy old Bolshevik from Vermont – remember when he used to run his yap about millionaires? Nowadays he yaps about billionaires because now he’s a millionaire himself, with three houses to boot. We can wonder what might happen if Bern’s net worth ever crosses ten figures because then he’ll have to find a trillionaire or two to complain about. I’m pretty sure there are none of those around – yet.

These are the people the Democrats want to use to gain back their appeal to ordinary Americans, as opposed to their current constituency of urban elites, socialist agitators, ivory-tower academics, the gender-confused, and the dependency class.

Good luck with that!

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