
NSC Employee on Hidden Camera Describes Biden’s Decline – HotAir

If you take a look at X right now, “Joe Biden is Dead” is a trending topic. No, nothing has happened to the president. The trend is a reference to a new James O’Keefe hidden camera sting in which a National Security Council employee named Henry Appel spills dirt on Joe Biden’s mental decline.

Appel describes receiving a call from the president at the NSC while Biden was on a trip. “And I was like ‘Hello, Mr. President. It’s Henry.’ And he was like ‘Is Jake [Sullivan] there?” Appel then had to inform Biden that Jake Sullivan was not in the White House because he was on the same European trip.

In another similar instance, Biden called the NSC office to ask for Jake Sullivan and Appel informed him that Sullivan had left the office for the day but promised to track him down for the president and the call ended. Ten seconds later, the phone rang again. It was Biden again asking for Jake Sullivan. He apparently didn’t realize he had called the same number or that the person who answered was the same person he’d just spoken with seconds earlier.

Summing up the president’s condition, Appel said “Joe Biden is, like, dead.” He continued, “Not literally. He like can’t say a sentence.” There are some cuts in the clip but Appel adds that “Everybody recognizes it” and says “I can’t believe it wasn’t a bigger scandal earlier.” Yes, it really is amazing how the biggest story in the country wasn’t a story for nearly two years thanks to a compliant media.

O’Keefe has more coming including the moment he confronted Appel when he thought he was meeting the same woman for a second date. Looks like we’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that. Meanwhile, here’s the full clip.

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