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Planned Parenthood to shut down major abortion center in Manhattan after years of pro-life prayer

NEW YORK (LifeSiteNews) — After years of monthly prayer processions, often led by pro-life activist priest Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) has announced it will be selling its SoHo building and shutting down its Manhattan abortuary.

PPGNY told Gothamist that the property at 26 Bleecker St. will go on the market this week with a $39 million asking price, which, after the sale, will leave the borough of Manhattan free from Planned Parenthood’s preborn child killing activity.

In PPGNY’s press release the organization’s president Wendy Stark claimed the decision was made due to “the gap between inflation and stagnant (Medicaid / insurance) reimbursement rates” along with the abortuary being housed in a “building that requires more and more expensive maintenance.”

“Funds from the sale will allow us to sustain services for systemically underserved communities – the people who need us most,” she said signaling a necessary downsizing of their operations.

READ: How Planned Parenthood targets Blacks and Hispanics: new interactive online map

For years the pro-life community in New York City has held a “Witness for Life: Manhattan” event with Holy Mass at the Basilica of St Patrick’s Old Cathedral every first Saturday, with a prayer procession to the Bleecker St. facility.

On occasion the Mass and procession has been met with fierce resistance from loud, chanting pro-abortion activists which have even required the New York City Police Department to intervene and ensure the prolife demonstrators could move safely to the abortuary in prayer.

Pardoned pro-life rescuer Will Goodman, who has participated in the First Saturday processions, shared the following with LifeSiteNews:

The closing and selling of the goliath ‘planned parenthood’ murder mill in Manhattan comes as a most welcome gift on today’s Solemnity of St. Joseph!

This tremendous victory has been won by the grace of Almighty God and thanks to the countless prayers and sacrifices of His holy people in New York City who have been witnessing to the sacredness of human life at this location ever since they first opened their doors to kill babies.

New York is the epicenter of child sacrifice in the western hemisphere and ground zero for the destruction of babies in America. Thus, this particularly enormous abortion mill is the emblem of this satanic evil in the Americas. But St. Joseph, Terror of Demons and Defender of Life, has brought the slaughter at this vile place to a halt! DEO GRATIAS!!!

There is no way to overstate the magnitude of this glorious spiritual victory, a victory which should embolden us with the grace of Christ to work even harder to abolish ‘planned parenthood’ and abolish all child sacrifice in our nation and in the world. Ite ad Joseph! Viva Cristo Rey!!! (Go to Joseph! Long live Christ the King!)

Goodman went on to share that his fellow Red Rose rescuer and friend Fr. Fidelis had informed other New York pro-life activists “that he was going to offer all his suffering in federal prison so that this massive Planned Parenthood would close. It seems our Heavenly Father heard this faithful Priest’s prayers!”

READ: Pro-life priest found guilty on federal charges for blocking Planned Parenthood gate to save babies

He went on to acknowledge the efforts and prayers of the rest of the “many extraordinary prolifers in New York,” including “the Sisters for Life, the CFRs, Bishop Byrne, Msgr. Reilly (+RIP), those who rescued there, those who sidewalk counseled and prayed there, and countless others known to God alone.”

Goodman is one of the “D.C. Nine” peaceful pro-life rescuers who attempted to save the lives of preborn girls and boys in October 2020 at a late-term abortion facility in Washington, D.C. He was prosecuted by the Biden Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland and sentenced to 27 months in a federal prison by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

On Thursday, January 23, Goodman was officially pardoned by President Donald Trump, with 22 other pro-life activists, after serving 17 months in federal prison.

In a recent interview with War Room host Steve Bannon Goodman implored, “The rosary is our spiritual weapon. We need to be fighting here for the unborn, for the protection of women and children.”


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