
POLITICO Writer Begs Federal Workers to Stay and Fight – HotAir

Just what we need: a do-gooder begging federal employees to stick around in order to recreate The Resistance™ in Trump’s second term. 

In the great tradition of progressives arguing that the only way to save muh democracy is to ignore the people’s will, Max Stier, the president and CEO of the nonpartisan, nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, begs federal employees not to leave federal employment in a huff. 

Instead, they should stay and fight, fight, fight

ver the next few weeks, U.S. civil servants will spend the holidays wrestling with a tough choice: Stay in your jobs and work for a president who openly disdains you and might try to fire you — or quit. I have already heard from many of you who would rather try your luck on the job market than wait for President-elect Donald Trump’s promised purge.

I am asking you — pleading with you: stay. Your decision isn’t just about your career, or a single president. It’s part of a larger war, one waged throughout American history, over what the federal government can and should be: Is it an apolitical source of expertise and professionalism, or is it a partisan weapon for presidents to use for their own political or economic ends? Now, with Trump and his allies setting civil servants in their sights, we risk backsliding to an earlier time, when cronyism reigned — and Americans suffered. By staying in your position as long as you can, you can defend the work of our democracy.

“Our democracy.” Stay and fight the elected representative of the American people in order to save the administrative state from having to pay even the least attention to the desire of Americans for reform. 

Perfect progressive projection. Rule by “experts” and “bureaucrats” is what they mean by democracy. 

The irony, of course, is that the only people thinking of leaving are highly partisan bureaucrats who are dispirited by their reduced ability to impose their wills on us by fiat. They are the ones who have weaponized government and imposed outrageous regulations that have been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, and who work diligently to suppress free speech. 

Good riddance to bad rubbish. 

Most other federal employees will hold on to their cushy jobs for dear life, hoping to put in their 20 and retire comfortably. 

you must do your best to weather the storm, because history shows us what will happen if the Trump administration succeeds in twisting the government into a partisan machine. In the 1800s, the government was inefficient, incompetent and corrupt because President Andrew Jackson instituted a “spoils system” that awarded federal jobs to his supporters and partisans, rather than qualified professionals who earned their positions on merit.

Yuck. Sorry, but that made me nauseous. Does anybody–including federal employees–think that the people who rise up the ranks of the bureaucracy did so by merit? That is one of the most ridiculous things I have read, and I am including the meme that Biden is “sharp as a tack.” 

There are competent and even excellent federal employees, but if they have risen to the top tier, it is more by accident than their competence–or their competence is defined in terms of how well they weaponize their power over the Establishment’s enemies and helping their friends. 

It sure isn’t based on serving the ordinary American. Get real. If you believe this you also believe that Woodrow Wilson was our best president. 

Replacing expert professionals who are motivated by their desire to serve the public with partisans whose primary qualification is their loyalty to the president would cripple the government’s ability to address threats around the world, meet the needs of our citizens and uphold the rule of law. In today’s complicated, dangerous and fast-moving world, we need a nonpartisan civil service focused on serving the American people even more than we did in the much simpler and less hazardous 19th century.

As you weigh your options, I hope you will consider the profound impact your choice will have on our democracy. I can’t promise you that Trump won’t make your work hard. I can’t promise you that you won’t face budget cuts and layoffs. But if you abandon your posts before they make you, our public institutions won’t stand a chance.

You are the lifeblood of our democracy. Please, do not obey in advance.

“You are the lifeblood of our democracy.” OMG that is hilarious. 

Bureaucrats are the “lifeblood of our democracy.” That, my friends, is a perfect encapsulation of everything wrong with Washington. 

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