
Recent Studies Freeze Climate Alarmist Claims – PJ Media

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Two recent studies set fire to climate alarmists’ credibility, providing yet more data to show that “global warming” isn’t about to destroy the planet and politicians’ “solutions” are actually pointless and ineffective.

Climate alarmists have not been right a single time in a major prediction for well over half a century, yet politicians continue to wreak havoc on energy, the economy, education, and other sectors of society and government based on claims of a climate apocalypse that is not coming. Two studies this year provide evidence once again that the Earth is not about to turn into a burning ball of fire and that even if it were, the much-touted and much-funded “net zero” solutions would have little to no effect. And that does not even address the active harms of cutting carbon, the building block of life, and wasting taxpayer money on programs that poison the environment and undermine the economy.

One study, published in October in Scientific Research Publishing, contains the following:

Data from ground measurements indicate that the downward (backward) radiation of the atmosphere shows indeed full saturation of the IR CO2 bands and does not support noticeable additional Thermal Forcing (TF) by increasing CO2 in the lower atmosphere… we can expect full saturation already at current concentrations.

Another table in the study provides data illustrating that doubling CO2 from its pre-industrial levels actually increases the global mean infrared absorption. If, like me, you prefer the answer in less scientific terms, Climate Change Dispatch explains that the higher the concentration of CO2, the less effective it is as an agent of warming! And “thus it can lead to just 0.5°C warming at most.” Add to that the fact that it is virtually impossible to come up with a meaningful average global temperature, and you will see that as usual climate doom prophets have been gaslighting us. Or, since they hate gas, electriclighting us.

For Our VIPsThe Contradictory Insanity of Woke Beliefs

Meanwhile, research published this year in the Journal of Sustainable Development highlighted the absurdity of climate alarmist policies:

[Abstract:] The UK Net Zero by 2050 Policy was undemocratically adopted by the UK government in 2019. Yet the science of so-called ‘greenhouse gases’ is well known and there is no reason to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), or nitrous oxide (N2O) because absorption of radiation is logarithmic. Adding to or removing these naturally occurring gases from the atmosphere will make little difference to the temperature or the climate… There is a case against the adoption of Net Zero given the enormous costs associated with implementing the policy, and the fact it is unlikely to achieve reductions in average near surface global air temperature.

Again, it is important to mention that carbon is the absolutely essential element for all living things and that cutting carbon actually attacks the existence not only of plant and animal life but also of humans. It turns out this is yet another Marxist depopulation agenda.

“Green” energy and electric vehicles are very toxic to manufacture and dispose of, they are expensive and unreliable, turbines and solar panels kill wildlife and ruin vast swathes of land, and it’s all unnecessary. Climate alarmism is unscientific, and only politicians who want to increase their own wealth and power adopt it.

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