
Religion of Pieces Believers Busy Being Little Killer Christmas Bees – HotAir

Oh, to be in Europe at Christmas!

The snow! The old world charm! The magic of the legendary, magical Christmas Markets!


Or maybe some other year.

When they finally…IF they finally do something about their current unfriendly ‘temporary’ residents.

France should have learned a long time ago but their ‘tight security’ didn’t stop a terrorist from killing four happy shoppers and wounding many more at a Christmas market in Strasbourg in 2018.

But it won’t be long before there isn’t a native Frenchman left, certainly not a Christian one who will dare celebrate the season the traditional way.

That’s especially true for Germany, which already has a problem with a record number of stabbings on a year-to-year basis.

In one of the more ironic videos ever, someone posted the German Polizei going through women’s purses at a market while searching for knives. I don’t believe they are the target demographic for perpetrators of knife crime, but then I’m not a German criminologist – I only play one here at HotAir.

Perhaps they should have been checking for something a little more lethal.

In a horrifying seasonal switch-up, another terrorist attack this very afternoon has taken the lives of at least 11 people so far and now reports of up to 60-80 others injured.

Security was supposedly “tight’ for this Christmas Market in Magdeburg, too – I guess performance art ‘knife checks’ and such things. 

But a terrorist with a car is gonna do what he’s gonna do when it’s apparent there aren’t any bollards to stop him from plowing through bodies.

The speed – dear God.

I cannot fathom the depraved mind capable of such an act and this carnage.

German police immediately reverted to form, blaming ‘a car.’ The media is happy to help.

Online reports that the police are looking for a Syrian.

Whoever he was, it’s now being reported they got him.

I haven’t confirmed this is the take-down of the perp, but you can see the Polizei stand well back for a bit, no doubt worried about an explosive vest or a weapon.

Well, they’ll take their time identifying him if past performance is any indicator.

Again, the absolute ludicrousness and self-defeating political correctness of the German mentality BLOWS MY MIND.

And it’s not like the don’t have to worry about a whole country filled with like-minded fellows.

Diversity is your strength!

Let’s talk turkey for a moment. What effect is this ghastly event going to have, if any, on the upcoming German elections?

Scholz, having failed the confidence vote, is a lame duck going up against another one of his former coalition partners. All of the mainstream coalition parties are responsible for the sad state of the country and, in effect, for what happened at the market hours ago.

The upcoming German elections will not only define the future of one of the two political and economic pillars of the European Union, they will also test the leadership skills of the two key figures: Friedrich Merz, leader of the centre-right CDU/CSU, and Olaf Scholz of the centre-left SPD.

…According to the latest polls, the SPD would get 17 per cent of the vote, while the Greens, its partners after the liberal FDP’s exit from their coalition, would get 15 per cent. Together they account for 32 per cent, the same proportion as the conservative CDU/CSU. This makes a technical tie before the fight.

While Merz tries to capitalise on growing social dissatisfaction, Scholz seeks to project stability—although this stability has been seriously weakened after almost three years of crisis since the outbreak of the Ukraine war.

…The rise of the hard-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) is another key variable. Despite political and media persecution, the party has gained support among sectors dissatisfied with the lack of leadership and strategic vision.

…Possible scenarios after the elections include a new grand coalition between the CDU/CSU and the SPD, which could perpetuate the status quo but also increase polarisation; a Merz-led government with cross-support; or the rise of minor parties as key factors in forming coalitions, giving them an unthinkable weight in shaping the government.

They are still attempting to marginalize the surging popularity of the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party through means fair and foul. 

However, German leaders are finding out for all their authoritarian machinations…

…even they can’t stop the information signal.

Should people choose to do so, they will see the truth.

The horror of the market – and there is still a weekend to go of these beloved events – will no doubt have fence-sitters recalculating the ‘be kind to immigrant’ strategy that has so twisted the fabric of traditional German life.

I hope the carnage has the Bond villains quaking in their boots.

Our warmest thoughts go out to the people at the market and those who lost loved ones or who are worried they still might. To those who rushed to help and the first responders saving lives.

May the doctors and nurses be skilled and the healing quick.

I know some wounds are so beyond terrible that they never completely do.

Please make it stop.



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