
The Blue Dove Foundation: Hanukkah: Shine Bright | Women’s League for Conservative Judaism

On Hanukkah, we light a new candle each night because our task is to add light to our world. We hope our Hanukkah and mental health resources add light to your life this Hanukkah —and help create a brighter world for everyone.

Hanukkah Articles and Resources

Our End-of-Year Campaign for Youth Well-Being

This year, our friend and partner BeWell (part of JFNA) conducted a groundbreaking study of Jewish teen well-being in the US. The study found an inspiring level of resilience among our youth but it also revealed a growing need for enhanced professional Jewish mental health education. While our teens found the connection and support they craved in Jewish spaces and were eager to talk about wellness and Judaism, many Jewish professionals lacked the resources to address these topics effectively. With your support, we can help meet the needs of our teens and continue our work in 2025.

Dreidels and Mental Health

Hanukkah E-Cards

Shop for Mental Wellness this Hanukkah!

Bring some mental wellness into your homes this Hanukkah with our mental wellness products, including mental wellness kippot, books, e-cards, and more!

If you have any questions or want more information about the Blue Dove Foundation, please reach out at info@thebluedovefoundation.org.

Copyright © 2019, The Blue Dove Foundation, All rights reserved.

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