FeaturedJoe Biden

The PR Fallout of Liars – PJ Media

All along the Eastern seaboard, mysterious drones are mobbing the United States. Perhaps they’re from Mars! Maybe they’re from China or Russia. Or if the rumor mill is correct, they could be part of an undercover U.S. government operation.

All of the above scenarios have their strengths and weaknesses: The drones seem to be more advanced than our current capabilities; some reports say they’re even capable of violating the known laws of physics. If so, that’s a vote for E.T. (Getcha Reese’s Pieces ready!)

Of course, it’s unclear why a Martian spacecraft would need to flash its lights in the middle of the night. If you’re technologically advanced enough to navigate through the cosmos, you’re probably savvy enough to realize that flashing your lights at nighttime isn’t the best way to fly undetected.

So maybe the Chinese theory makes more sense. After all, we already know they’re willing to float a giant balloon over our missile bases; why wouldn’t they try drones?

It’s certainly a possibility.

As for Russia, its ongoing war in Ukraine has forced it to invest in upgrading its drone technology. Presumably, this tech would be relatively simple to export to North America. Question: Is it entirely coincidental that the drone sightings increased dramatically right after President Biden altered American policy, allowing U.S. weapons to strike deep into Russian territory?

Flooding the skies of our most densely populated cities with untraceable drones would definitely be one way for Putin to remind America of its vulnerability to reprisals.

But if it was Russia, why aren’t these drones flying all over the other NATO countries? You’d think that European nations would be far easier for Russian sympathizers to both infiltrate and intimidate.

Which brings us to our own government: Are the drones conducting an undercover search-and-rescue mission? Rumors abound of missing nuclear material. Perhaps these drones were equipped with high-tech sensors and were trying to reacquire something radioactive and dangerous.

If so, it would make sense to keep it on the down-low to avoid sparking a public panic. But once again, there’s the problem of lights: Why would an “undercover” drone mission draw unnecessary attention to itself by flashing multicolored lights at the people below?

And thus, the mystery remains.

But drones aren’t the only lingering mystery. There’s still the ongoing question of COVID’s origins: Did it come from a bat or a pangolin? Maybe someone ate something funky. After all, past pandemics began when a virus leaped from animal to human (zoonotic); who’s to say it didn’t happen again?

That’s what Anthony Fauci told us.

And not just Dr. Fauci: The entire liberal establishment lectured us to avoid speculating on COVID’s origins: It came from bats, period, end of story! Suggesting anything contrary is anti-Asian racism!

(Pay no attention to that bio lab in Wuhan that was conducting gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. That was just a silly coincidence.)

There are roughly 10,000 cities on planet Earth. Only 59 cities have bio labs that study pathogens, such as coronaviruses. Wuhan, China, was one of ‘em.

In fact, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the biggest in the world.

One of the lasting legacies of the Biden-Harris administration is the death of public trust. The lies, falsehoods, and systemic dishonesty of the Democratic Party — and their enablers in the media — have so thoroughly infected every corner of our culture that nobody believes anything anymore.

They told us Biden was “sharp as a tack.” They said Trump was “literally Hitler.” They said there was no crisis on the border. Then Biden swore he’d never pardon Hunter Biden.

This is the administration that lied about the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, claiming that it was actually a big success. When grocery prices were skyrocketing, housing was unaffordable, and inflation was out of control, Biden and the media insisted that the economy was marvelous. It was one lie after another. And now, it’s like the boy who cried wolf.

At this point, no matter what the government says about the drones, nobody will believe it.

And that’s sad. It’d be nice to have a government that’s honest, transparent, and trustworthy.

But on the other hand, at least the American people have finally recognized the government — and the mainstream media — for exactly what they are: They’re liars.

And liars don’t deserve our trust.

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