When an obnoxious group of political activists suddenly goes silent, it’s usually a sign that they’re regrouping in some way. That’s especially true after the activists suffer a crushing defeat in a national election. It’s only natural to assume that, under those circumstances, the activists have gone underground for a bit in order to refine their messaging. They’re putting their best minds together to come up with a platform that might appeal to more people. Or at the very least, they’re taking steps to make sure that, when they emerge from hiding, they’re not seen as even crazier and less convincing than they were before. That’s the bare minimum you’d expect. Think about how the Indians realized they were on the losing side of the whole debate over “who gets the land,” so they came back and decided to settle for owning a bunch of casinos instead. There’s a strategic retreat, then an effective comeback.
This is the playbook that we’ve seen again and again. But after this week, it’s clear trans activists and the LGBT movement have thrown out the manual. Following their rejection at the ballot box in November, trans activists have decided against the idea of moderating their insanity. Instead, they have elected to double down on the most extreme and demented aspects of their ideology.
They have devolved to a degree that, if you weren’t paying attention, you might have thought was impossible. We are now at the point where trans activists are embracing cruelty that isn’t even cloaked with the usual lies about “scientific consensus” or anything like that. These people are now endorsing child abuse, without reservation, right out in the open. That’s always what they’ve stood for. Now they’re not even attempting to hide it.
In order to understand the depths of depravity, you need to watch the scene that unfolded at a school board meeting on Thursday in Deerfield, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. A woman named Nicole Georgas began by telling the school board that her daughter is a 13-year-old student at a local middle school. And recently, her 13-year-old was forced to share a bathroom with a male student. Watch:
Before we play the rest of Nicole Georgas’ statement, it’s worth pointing out that, strangely enough, no one on the Left is calling this situation a “constitutional crisis.” She’s pointing out, correctly, that the state of Illinois is defying Trump’s executive order on gender ideology. And in the process, they’re disregarding the civil rights of children at a systemic level. If you listened to the Left’s complaints about how outrageous it was that the Trump administration ignored a judge’s order when he deported Venezuelan terrorists the other day, you might think that they’d be equally upset about what the state of Illinois is doing in this case. But of course there’s no outrage, because these people are more than happy to ignore orders when they feel like it. And the state of Illinois should lose federal funding immediately as a result.
If you don’t agree with that, then you’ll change your mind after you hear the rest of Nicole Georgas’ statement.
Listen as she explains what the adults at this middle school allegedly forced her child to do, against her will:
To restate: This woman is saying that school officials forced her 13-year-old daughter — and several other young girls — to change in front of a male student in a locker room at a middle school. Those school officials, she said, include the district’s assistant superintendent for student services, the school’s assistant principal, and the director for student services.
If this claim is true — and as you’ll see in a moment, there’s no reason to doubt that it is — then the school officials who forced these girls to change in front of a boy are guilty of sexual assault. You could probably add kidnapping and child endangerment charges as well. The fact that this took place in a school should not provide any kind of cover for these people. If anything, it should make the charges even more serious. And whatever charges are brought, it’d still be too light of a punishment. Try to imagine what you’d do, as a parent, if you learned that an adult was forcing your daughter to get naked in front of a male, against her will. Criminal charges would probably be the least of that particular adult’s problems.
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At a minimum, we need conservative DAs to start pressing those kinds of charges against the people pushing this madness. This goes beyond the realm of a political debate or a “constitutional crisis.” This is child abuse. And if there were any good-faith members of the trans activist community — if any of them were capable of some level of basic human decency — they would admit this. They would acknowledge that, indeed, it’s possible to go too far in the process of affirming gender ideology. And that point is reached when you’re forcing children to expose themselves to members of the opposite sex.
But because there are no good-faith trans activists, you can probably guess how this mother’s statement was received. As soon as she was finished, “boos” rang out in the room. One person asked her why she was “obsessed” with the genitals of children, which is one of those stock arguments these activists use all the time, even though it makes no sense whatsoever. They could be exposing themselves to you and your children in the park, and then when you object to it, they’ll accuse you of being “obsessed.” Then, a few other activists spoke at the school board meeting, and they continued to take cheap shots at the mother. Watch:
This is the dominant mode of thought, such as it is, among trans activists at the moment. If you’re a mother who doesn’t want your daughter to be forced to strip in front of males in middle school, then you’re a “bully.” You’re an extremist, as identified by Left-wing propaganda outfits. You’re “obsessed” with genitalia. And on and on.
One particularly threatening trans activist took things a step further, and railed against “white supremacy” and the “white God.” And this person did so while wearing a shirt that reads, “Protect trans kids,” with a picture of a knife. Watch:
The framing of course is that the male student is being “targeted.” So they can force a girl to undress in a place she doesn’t want to undress, in front of this male student. And the girl isn’t being targeted in that scenario, supposedly. Instead, the male is being targeted. He’s not getting to see the girls undress, so he’s the victim here. It doesn’t exactly take Freud to understand the psychology underlying this whole movement.
To the extent that any of these activists presented something approaching an argument, it was to suggest that actually, these girls did have the option of requesting private changing rooms. That came up a few times during the school board meeting. But I’m going to focus on this one clip, featuring a trans-identifying individual who uses the name “Charlie.” Charlie uses “they/he” pronouns, so we’re going to go ahead and use “she” to describe her, because it seems like it’s probably the most accurate option. Charlie says that she also has a trans middle-schooler, which of course is maybe the least surprising revelation imaginable. If trans activists are good at anything, it’s indoctrinating their own children. In any event, here’s Charlie’s big moment, where she reads from an Illinois law that’s supposedly about “human rights”:
This is the extent of the concessions that these people were willing to offer. They’re saying that anyone who “wants more privacy,” under the law, can use a separate bathroom. They can request some other accommodation.
Put aside the fact that, in this case, that other accommodation apparently wasn’t provided. What they don’t address is the obvious question, which is: Why can’t the boy request the “other accommodation,” in this scenario? Why do all of these girls have to request their own accommodations, but the male doesn’t? The reason is apparently that it would make him feel bad if he isn’t included in the girl’s locker room. But the fact that his presence makes girls feel bad — feel unsafe and vulnerable — simply doesn’t register. As you heard from that trans activist, the girls’ feelings of “discomfort” are simply considered invalid. The trans activist never explains why this discomfort is invalid. Neither does the Illinois law.
But we all know the explanation, which is that these activists, above all else, are sadists who crave power. They relish the prospect of forcing women and girls to take part in this charade. From their perspective, the more degrading the process is, the better. Everyone must be forced to participate. Whatever mental harm 10 or 20 middle-school girls might suffer as a result, they simply don’t care. Their only goal is to ensure that the male in the scenario gets his satisfaction.
The argument from these trans activists only got worse from there. Here’s a couple of them:
So the second woman just yells about pronouns. Nothing new there. And the first woman makes a familiar logistical argument, saying some trans-identifying children supposedly “pass.” And therefore, unless we want to inspect their bodies, we need to just accept whatever those kids say.
First of all, of course, it’s not true that any “trans-identifying” middle-schoolers actually “pass” for a member of the opposite gender. The child in this situation certainly didn’t come close to passing. And for that matter, none of the activists at this school board meeting came close to “passing,” either. Humans have evolved for a very long time to develop certain sex-specific traits, and to perceive those traits in others. A child who throws on a wig from Party City isn’t going to overcome that.
But even if we assume, for the sake of argument, that some child somehow manages to fool everyone at school into thinking he’s really a girl, it’s still completely insane to endorse the idea that he should then have access to girls’ locker rooms. Just because he manages to fool people and sneak into those locker rooms doesn’t make his actions justified. It’s like saying a bank robber is justified if no one notices he pulled off the heist. Deception is still wrong, whether it’s detected or not.
This is a basic moral principle — one of many basic moral principles that trans activists have abandoned. If this school board meeting demonstrates anything, it’s that these people are never going to become more moderate or sensible, no matter how badly they lose national elections. As I’ve pointed out before, most of the adult trans activists who continue in the fight are either trans themselves or have trans kids — or in some cases, both (as we saw at this school board meeting). They will never let it go, because to let it go would be to admit that they’ve maimed and mutilated themselves or their children. That is a level of self-reflection and acceptance that trans activists, as the ultimate narcissists, are simply incapable of achieving.
What that means is that it’s now the responsibility of law enforcement officials, at both the state and federal levels, to prevent trans activists from continuing to abuse children. There are clearly no limits to their depravity at this point. If we want to end this sickness, executive orders and court cases simply aren’t enough. The school officials who embraced this perversion need to go to prison. The school districts that enforce these policies need to lose federal funding. Simply put, there is no legal penalty too excessive for child abusers. And if we want to protect children and prevent anything like this from happening again, it’s time that the people responsible started facing those penalties.